On my return to school after contracting Covid-19, it is really obvious how much of a challenge this term has been for my staff. The demands of teaching during a pandemic are really hitting home and taking their toll on all of them. They have done a fantastic job of getting your children back into normal(ish) routines and making their learning enjoyable while at the same time ensuring they are safe around this ever present virus.
This year I have made the decision not to accept Christmas cards or gifts for the staff as part of our Covid-19 protocols but I wanted to find a way for you to say thank you to the staff for what they’ve done so far. I asked you to post a message of thanks and you really came through for us. We had 172 responses which were printed out and pinned to a board in the hall for the staff to see. The gallery below has a selection of your messages.
Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Mr Pritchard