Curriculum Intent at Kennington
The foundation of our whole school curriculum is the National Curriculum which we use to ensure that all children have a firm foundation to achieve academic excellence in all subjects by the time they move to high school. This will include mastery of key knowledge, skills and understanding through opportunities for children to know more and remember more. There is a carefully sequenced curriculum in place that builds on sequential knowledge and well planned learning experiences which prepares children for their next stage in their academic career. Woven throughout this is a deliberate emphasis on reading throughout the curriculum, from developing early reading skills, to instilling a love of reading from an early age through our carefully curated reading 'spine'.
Through the wider, ambitious curriculum, we will ensure that children encounter a range of experiences that promote our school values and allow children to build their cultural capital.
The curriculum at Kennington Primary is planned to take into account the needs of all learners academically, socially and culturally and to ensure that curriculum delivery is equitable for all groups of pupils and meets the particular needs of the children within its specific community.
With it's range of diverse and social backgrounds, the school has ensured that the curriculum has a focus on British Values and their links with everyday life at Kennington. These are further complemented by our PSHE curriculum and in our whole school assemblies that aim to raise awareness, respect and understanding of a wide range of cultural and social differences, preparing children for life in modern Britain
Curriculum Documents