At Kennington Primary School, safeguarding is given the highest priority.
There may be occassions when school has concerns about the safety of a child in terms of abuse or neglect. In these cases school will follow the safeguarding policy and may need to make a referral to Children's Social Care.
School will work closely with all agencies and the family to ensure the safety of any child who has been referred to Children's Social Care.
- The Designated Senior Leads for Safeguarding are: The Head Teacher, Mr Simon Pritchard the Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Jude Duffy and the Learning Mentor, Mrs J. Nuttall.
Any Safeguarding concerns should be reported to either of these senior leaders.
We encourage a clear culture of open communication between pupils, staff, parents and other adults working with children.
If you have a concern regarding the senior leaders, please contact the Chair of Governors Mr Stephen Mort
Online-safety policy and practice at Kennington Primary School.
Safeguarding Documents
Every year we take part in Anti-Bullying Week which is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The children participate in lessons and discussions around topics such as RESPECT, TOLLERANCE, KINDNESS, CONFLICT RESOLUTION and DIFFERENCE. They also investigate how to handle disagreements and differences of opinion without resorting to bullying. The idea is to support each other to champion kindness, because being kind is not a sign of weakness but a mark of strength. This is something we explicitly teach through our PSHE lessons, through the curriculum and the wider curriculum.
We want to empower children and young people to solve problems with empathy and remind adults of their vital role in leading by example, both in person and online, choosing respect even when we disagree.
Unfortunately, not all children take on-board these messages all the time. We know that sometimes there will be unkind, repeated behaviours demonstrated by children. OFSTED also recognise that bullying behaviours do happen in schools. In making judgements about a school’s behaviour, inspectors will look at whether a positive environment has been created in which bullying is never tolerated. If bullying, aggression, discrimination or derogatory language does occur, then it is dealt with quickly and effectively and not allowed to spread.
We want to make it clear to the children that there are sanctions or punishments for when bullying, aggression, discrimination or derogatory language does occur. When it is brought to our attention, we will inform parents that a bullying allegation has been made, investigate fully and determine whether the allegations are true. If they are found to be true, then we will use the following sanctions:
- removal of playtime privileges
- removal of lunchtime privileges
- exclusion from trips
- exclusion from residentials
- exclusion from clubs
- exclusion from sporting competitions
- exclusion from representing the school in anyway
- internal seclusion from class within another class
- internal isolation within the school
- fixed term exclusion
- permanent exclusion.
If the behaviours continue and the pupil refuses to stop then the ultimate sanction would be permanent exclusion.
Repair Work:
We will support those children who have been subjected to bullying. This might be done in a number of ways, using the staff and expertise we have in school and through partnerships with parents and outside agencies if necessary
It is important to remember that these are young children we are working with and we aim to support those children who we have found to be demonstrating bullying behaviours. This too will be done using the staff and expertise we have at our disposal both in and out of school.
We also encourage all the children to tell an adult if they feel they are being treated unkindly either due to isolated incidents or through repeated negative behaviours towards them where their maybe an imbalance of power. Many of our pupils are happy to talk to staff in school, however, some find it difficult which is why we have ‘Worry Boxes’ in classes and corridors. These can be used to post a worry in which are monitored by staff on a regular basis.
Our approach to bullying is one of ‘zero tolerance’. When it is discovered, we will do everything in our power to stop it and prevent it from happening in the future.
More information can be found in our Behaviour and Discipline Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy and Child on Child Abuse Policy.
Anti-Bullying Documents