We are proud of our uniform which is designed to be flexible, affordable, practical and attractive.  The smart burgundy sweatshirt with pale blue embroidered School Logo is of high quality and can be purchased at Monkhouses, Fishergate Shopping Centre, Bang Bang Uniform Suppliers and on line at Price and Buckland. The sweatshirt is the only piece of branded uniform we ask parents to purchase. All other uniform requirements are generic and can be purchased from super markets and other uniform outlets.

Uniform Requirements

Boys (Infants & Juniors)

  • Burgundy school sweatshirt
  • White, short or long sleeved shirt
  • School tie (elasticated or normal)
  • Grey trousers/grey shorts
  • Grey socks
  • Black sensible shoes (no trainers or trainer style shoes)
  • White polo t – shirt (summer term only)

Girls (Infants & Juniors)

  • Burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White short or long sleeved shirt/blouse
  • School tie (elasticated or normal)
  • Grey skirt/pinafore
  • Grey trousers 
  • Blue and white gingham/striped or checked dress (summer term only)
  • White socks or plain black/grey tights (white tights, or any type of leggings are not to be worn with the day to day uniform)
  • Black sensible shoes (flat heels only, no boots)

PLEASE NOTE: Playsuits/Culottes/Scort/all-in-one dresses with shorts are not permitted.
Children should not wear a dress AND trousers underneath. It must be either a dress OR trousers in the Winter.

During the Summer Term, if parents have an issue with modesty, girls may wear a pair of white Lycra style shorts underneath their summer dress. These must not show beyond the bottom of the hem of the dress when standing.

Indoor PE Kit (Girls & Boys)

  • Dark blue shorts or PE skirt
  • Plain, round neck white T-shirt
  • Black slip on pumps
  • PE bag for the kit

If parents have an issue with modesty, a pair of black or navy Lycra leggings may be worn underneath the shorts. These should not enclose the foot and must be changed in and out of before and after PE. They must not have any printed, coloured patterns or logos on them.

Outdoor Games Kit Infants and Juniors.

Indoor PE Kits can be worn outside but in cases were the weather is inclement children may wear outdoor kit as listed below:

  • Plain black outdoor trainers, NOT white or any other colour (normal pumps can be worn)
  • Plain navy or black jogging bottoms or plain navy or black tracksuit bottoms. No logos.
  • School PE hoodie or normal school jumper can be worn.

All PE kits should be free from any logo or brand name.


On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school unless for religious reasons (except watches).
If parents wish their child to have their ears pierced, we ask that it is done at the beginning of the summer holidays in order that they can be removed in September. If ears have been pierced during term time, children should wear the transparent, plastic retainers for 6 weeks and then removed. These are available to purchase from school. We do not allow headwear to be worn during class time or inside school buildings, except for religious or medical reasons.
If headwear is worn for religious reasons, it should be tight fitting for PE and Games sessions.

Children should come to school with an appropriate hairstyle, (no patterns, outlandish styles or colours e.g. pink, red, blue, green etc). All children with hair longer than collar length should have it tied in a ponytail with a single elasticated bobble. We do not allow the wearing of large fashion bows.

False nails, nail varnish and make-up (including mascara) must not be worn in school.


Please buy from Price & Buckland www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/kenningtonprimary


Monkhouse Schoolwear
Fishergate Shopping Centre
Preston PR1 2NJ Tel: 01772 259586

Bang Bang School Wear
Lancaster Rd Preston Pr1 2QJ Tel: 07505234098

Email: kumarp11@outlook.com