Beech Visit Moor Park
Beech class Had a great time visiting Moor Park as part of the Local Area Topic.
Terry Caffrey Visits Kennington
We had a great time when Terry Caffrey visited Kennington . He performed in assembly then worked in Beech Class, Yr4 and Yr6.
Year Six Fun Night 2015
The Year Six leavers had a great night to mark the end of their time at Kennington Primary School.
Plas Menai 2015
Kenny Y6 spend the week at Plas Menai in North Wales.
Infant Sports Day 2015
The infants had a great time at their sports day on Friday. Well done everyone you all did great!
Junior Sports Day 2015
The Juniors had a great day on Friday competing in their Sports Day which was eventually won by the Rubies.
Roman Day 2015
The children of Y3 and Y5 had a fantastic time when two Romans visited Kennington. They learned all about life in Roman and life as a Roman soldier. Thyey had the opportunity to dress up and use some of the artifacts the visitors brought with them. It was a great day and thanks to Miss Hartley for organising it all.
VE Day
Kennington celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day.
Kennington Cricket May 2015
Kennington v Roebuck May 2015